Monday, 28 February 2011

Domestic Goddess?

Sorry I haven't done a post for a while, life's been rather busy the past couple of weeks! As well as my Mr settling into his new job, we discovered that we're not moving after all, not in the immediate future anyway  :(
On top of that, our little angel in teething so the house has been full of screaming and tears instead of music!

Around this time every year I decide that I've had enough of seeing clutter that has built up over the previous year and a big spring clean commences. Now generally, like most people, cleaning is not my most favoured way to spend my time, but I always enjoy my annual spring clean as I discover lost treasures, such as these:

I've been searching the shops for the colour on the left for a while, so it was lovely to come across this treasure! I've no idea where the earrings are from and, if I remember rightly, the flower head band is from Peacocks.

I'm not sure where the big turquoise ring is from, the black and gold ring is from Primark and the other two were gifts from a friend a couple of years ago.

I'm not known amongst my friends and family for being very good at the whole domestic thing, which is why I found it quiet amusing when I came across this:

As did my Mr, who let out a little chuckle when he say the title of the post! I have a feeling a certain little Miss  will be highly amused aswell (she's always laughing at my short comings in all things considered wifely!)

I shall try and do a post at least once a week from now on!
I hope everyone has a fab weekend  :)


  1. I choked on my coca cola when I saw the title of this blog post ;-)

    Lovely pics as usual! Keep it up Carla! xxx

  2. Thank you for your comment- the lemon and ginger cakes were yummy but the ginger taste wasn't very strong, I'd definitely recommend a generous amount of ground ginger if you're giving them a go!

    I think I need a copy of that book! Hope litle Eden isn't in too much pain, and you're managing to get some sleep too!xxx

  3. Hey girl! I gave you an award on my blog! Check it out!

    That’s So Fletch
    xo, Jay

  4. Amazing post! Great blog!

  5. Love your blog, + those rings are gorgeous! The flower earrings are so cute also! Hope your quest to become a domestic goddess goes well, haha!;) Have a nice night babe!x

  6. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. :)
    I love those rings!

  7. Aww, this is beautiful!!
    I love it!! ♥

    ..OH MY VOGUE!

  8. The big turquoise ring is pretty :)
